Perpetual Virginity of Mary

Sir, – I refer to Tony Flannery's reported remarks on the virginity of Mary (July 7th) and a response by Nick Park of Evangelical Alliance Ireland (Letters, July 10th).

The faith of the Christian Church bears witness to the perpetual virginity of Our Blessed Lady before, during and after the birth of Christ.

A second century historical document, the Protoevangelium of James, attests to this revealed truth of the Christian faith.

As regards “the brothers and sisters of Jesus” mentioned in the Gospels, the Aramaic language did not distinguish between cousins and siblings – the same word “ahu” was used of both. We believe in the perpetual virginity of Our Lady out of reverence for her unique identity and role in God’s saving plan for humanity. Her being ever-virgin bears witness to her complete dedication to God.


Luther, Calvin and Zwingli held to this truth, as did Thomas Cranmer and Henry Latimer of the English Reformation. So too did the founder of Methodism, John Wesley.

– Yours, etc,



Co Down.