Political violence

Sir, – John Cushnahan takes Sinn Féin to task for continuing to glorify "terrorists" (Letters, August 10th). I would remind him that Fine Gael, the party to which he belongs, continues to glorify Michael Collins, possibly the most violent "terrorist" in 20th-century Irish history. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 3.

Sir, – Congratulations to John Cushnahan for highlighting once again the hypocrisy of Sinn Féin.


How many innocent people did the IRA kill? How many innocent men, women, and children were injured by their bombs? How many young men were crippled by their form of justice in kneecapping?

Mr Cushnahan is so right. “There will never be genuine peace and reconciliation on this island while Sinn Féin continues to glorify terrorists , publish eulogies for them and refuses to apologise for the IRA terrorist campaign of violence.”

History will eventually decide that it was futile and totally unnecessary. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.