Real action needed to promote cycling

Sir, – It’s a bit galling to hear Government-sponsored Covid-19 adverts exhorting us to cycle or walk to work wherever possible.

Successive governments, and our local councils in particular, have paid little or no attention to the needs of cyclists over the years, so that cycling in Ireland is generally a fairly hazardous activity. For example, Tramore, Co Waterford, where I’m living, has a relatively recently built wide ring-road with mown grass everywhere but no cycle path. We’ve also seen three schools built or extended in recent years, with no safe way for a child to cycle to any of them.

There’s a housing estate being substantially extended on the outskirts of the town and part of the road between it and the local schools hasn’t even a footpath.

Waterford City also has a relatively recent ring-road where cyclists and pedestrians have to share a path which is separated from a busy dual-carriageway by a couple of feet of grass.


That’s sustainability county council-style for you.

So less exhortation and more action please. – Yours, etc,



Co Waterford.