Respecting cyclists

Sir, – I don’t own a lycra anything. I have never been slim nor fit. I am the mother of a child who is almost three years old. And I am a cyclist.

My daughter sits on a bike seat behind me and waves at strangers. Cycling her to preschool is a great way for me to get some exercise, given that I have never stuck to any exercise regime.

Cyclists reap rewards in terms of physical and mental health, and cycling infrastructure benefits all of society. It reduces motor traffic, gives us cleaner air, and lowers healthcare spending.

But what is the point of creating infrastructure if it is rendered useless because of illegal parking?


It is an offence for motorists to breach a cycle lane marked with a solid white line, except in an emergency. People flout this law every day. If it’s really “just for a second,” or to carry out deliveries, why not just stop on the road beside the cycle lane? Other motorists will have to go around you, but forcing cyclists abruptly into traffic can create dangerous and potentially lethal situations.

Recent events have led many people to rediscover the joy and convenience of cycling. But if people don’t feel safe, bikes will be locked back up in sheds and we will all lose out. – Yours, etc,




Co Wexford.