Return of Roy Keane

Madam, - The recent wave of criticism of Roy Keane in both the print and broadcast media is mostly part of the rich debate that…

Madam, - The recent wave of criticism of Roy Keane in both the print and broadcast media is mostly part of the rich debate that makes sport and life so interesting. But too often these criticisms stray into the personal, with unhelpful inferences about Roy's character, loyalty and morals.

Madam, - The recent wave of criticism of Roy Keane in both the print and broadcast media is mostly part of the rich debate that makes sport and life so interesting. But too often these criticisms stray into the personal, with unhelpful inferences about Roy's character, loyalty and morals.

As somebody who has witnessed at first hand the extraordinary generosity, intelligence, warmth and compassion of Roy Keane in the work that he does for our organisation - and, more importantly, his deep connection and empathy with people with disabilities - the criticism seems somewhat misplaced.

Roy's achievements as a sportsman are the stuff of legend, which have enhanced the lives of people worldwide. His commitment and dedication to people off the field are a wonderful reality for our organisation. - Yours, etc.,



Chairman, Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind,

Model Farm Road,
