The image of the Seanad

Sir, – Una Mullally’s article (Opinion & Analysis, July 21st) on the Seanad’s “image problem” is typical of the dishonest discourse that was rife in the debate during the referendum on its abolition.

To state that the "weird limbo" in which the Seanad now exists can be dealt with by "the public having a proper hand in the election of its members", as Una Mullally does, is to be out of touch with reality.

“Reforming” the Seanad, by having it directly elected and giving it more power, is just creating another Dáil. We already have one of those.

The Seanad is not just a “weird limbo”. It is an expensive, powerless, talking shop for the insider elite. It is not needed. – Yours, etc,



Shielmartin Drive,


Dublin 13