Time for an overhaul of energy policy

Sir, – European countries are taking the necessary actions to ensure their future gas supply – offshore exploration is encouraged, together with the fast-track construction of liquid natural gas (LNG) importation terminals.

In contrast, Ireland has banned any future drilling for gas and Eamon Ryan has apparently been unavailable to communicate with a company willing to look for gas close to the existing Corrib infrastructure.

We have no gas storage because we declined two years ago to have an LNG terminal installed in the Shannon Estuary.

This offer is still live but why is An Bord Pleanála not dealing with the planning permission until September?


This chaotic energy policy cannot continue and must be removed from political interference. Therefore a National Energy Emergency Team, with the same level of competence, independence and decisiveness as prevailed in Nphet, should be set up to take control and implementation of our energy policy, if indeed it isn’t too late. – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.