TV sports interviews – we need a result

Sir, – I have given up listening to interviews with sports players and managers.

What sportspeople say pre-match is entirely predictable – we have trained hard, hopefully we will get chances to score and hopefully we will win. They often finish by saying that what they need is a result! Post-match, they say that they either didn’t get the chances, they didn’t have luck or they were beaten by a better team.

However, the pathetic content of these interviews is usually surpassed by the simpering tone of the interviewers, who insist on asking totally inane questions, never suggesting that a team or a player played badly and never daring to ask anything challenging for fear of offending the interviewee.

Hopefully the penny will drop with sports fans that the sports interview is a complete waste of time.


A replay of match highlights, profiles of teams and players, or a brief tutorial of the rules of the game would be a much more entertaining build-up to the broadcast of a match. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.