Unvaccinated and ICU

Sir, – As an ICU doctor I certainly share Eddie Cotter’s frustration at people who “refuse … Government health advice [to get vaccinated] but accept the benefits of the health service” in dealing with the consequences (Letters, November 25th).

Nonetheless, the freedoms of democracy – speech, expression, bodily integrity and so on – only mean anything when they are broad enough to allow people to say or do things you disagree with. I thus categorise my exasperation with such people along with victims of smoking, reckless driving, and those who ignore advice on exercise, diet or taking their medication.

So I get on with treating them, and often take a moment to be thankful for the fact that, of the many risks I took in life, foolish as they might have been, most of them I got away with.

– Yours, etc,




Co Cork.