Vaccinating young people

Sir, – Last week this paper published no shortage of letters and two separate opinion pieces claiming that in a pandemic young, unvaccinated people shouldn’t expect fairness in the easing of restrictions and rollout of the vaccine.

How is it then you give such voice to those in their 50s and 60s with letters complaining about the unfairness of some people in younger cohorts being fully vaccinated before them? Surely these people should recognise that absolute fairness in a pandemic can’t be expected.

If younger cohorts are the ones spreading the virus then it is only commonsense to strengthen the weakest link in the chain. – Yours, etc,



Chapelizod, Dublin 20.

Sir, – Is it not interesting that younger cohorts are being given the opportunity to choose their vaccine while 60-69 year-olds are not. Is this cohort considered to be incapable of such a decision? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6

Sir, – In June 2022 Leaving Certificate students will sit their exams, all going well.

With the current vaccination strategy, only a small proportion of the students, the ones lucky enough to have an early 18th birthday, will have had a chance to be fully vaccinated entering their final year.

Today, there is no published plan for the vast majority of the students (16 and 17 years-old) to be vaccinated in the short term.

This will potentially increase the anxiety of these students after a challenging fifth year and leave them disadvantaged when compared with their older friends. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin