Rory Hearne to run in European elections as Social Democrat candidate

Academic and housing policy commentator to run in Midlands-North-West constituency

Rory Hearne. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire
Rory Hearne. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire

Rory Hearne, the academic and housing policy commentator, has been selected to run in the forthcoming European elections as a Social Democrats candidate in Midlands-North-West.

Mr Hearne (44) is an associate professor in social policy at Maynooth University and author of Gaffs, an examination of Ireland’s housing crisis.

Announcing his candidacy on Tuesday, he said he believed the housing crisis can be solved, and that the Social Democrats have demonstrated the most political will to do so.

“As an MEP, I want to stand up for generation locked out by bringing the housing crisis to the top of the political agenda in Europe, and by using my role to put pressure on the Irish Government to implement the solutions and bring about a fairer future for us all,” he said in a statement.


Party leader Holly Cairns described Mr Hearne as a prominent voice on the most important issue facing Ireland.

“EU policy decisions affect every aspect of our lives and our communities. What happens in Brussels or Strasbourg can help deliver social and affordable housing, improve workers’ rights and bring down energy costs,” she said.

The Irish Times reported last month Mr Hearne’s intention to seek the party nomination, having recently become a member.

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times