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The Lighter Side ...

Keith Redmond, practice principal, Redmond Dental Care

What businessperson do you most admire?

Michael O’Leary. His irreverent character is why he was the right person at the right time to break the Aer Lingus monopoly.

What is your guilty pleasure?

As a dentist, I shouldn’t admit this, but it’s sitting watching Liverpool play with a big bowl of choc­olate buttons and Haribo white backed jellies!

How do you unwind?

With two toddlers, unwinding is a necessity! I’m a political nerd, Irish and international, and I love a good argument so I’m a twitter addict!

How much money is in your wallet?

Nothing. I’m a plastic guy. I rarely have cash on me.


The last book you read?

Paul Williams latest book on The Monk.

What is the best business advice you’ve ever been given?

When you think you’ve nailed it, you’re just about to make a big mistake. Stop. Regain your humility.

Who is the most famous person in your con­tacts list?

James Ryan is my other half’s cousin. I told him he can give my number to anyone whose teeth rattle after one of his tackles!

How do you manage your work/life balance?

Dentistry is all consuming for me. The planning of a complicated procedure starts well before its execution. But having two toddlers means I’m always only a minute away from a potential wres­tling match on the couch.

The last film you watched?

Sideways. I watch it at least once a month! It’s my favourite movie and I dream of replicating their wine tour one day.

What is your favourite possession?

My Tesla. I love cars – I’ve had a convertible BMW and a Jaguar XF previously, but this is the best car I’ve ever owned. It’s the future!

What’s your most memorable holiday ever?

I was elected a Councillor in 2014. I went to Malta immediately after the election with Sarah and recharged in a plush five star hotel. I love the country, it’s history, it’s architecture, and it’s people. I’d love to retire there one day.

What social media do you use?

I’m a twitter addict!

If money was no object, what would your fantasy purchase be?

I’d love to buy Loftus Hall in Wexford. It’s cur­rently for sale. I want to renovate it and return it to its original name, Redmond Hall!

What is the first website you look at every morning?

Twitter. Morning, noon and night.

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Oh, definitely a night owl. I am most certainly not a morning person.

If you were Taoiseach for a day what would you do?

Introduce a universal basic income of €1,000 a month and a flat tax at 30% on all sources of income.

What person do you most admire?

My mother. Growing up in Finglas in the 1980s we had a lot of challenges, but she made me utterly believe I could do anything and go any­where as long as I worked hard enough. She never allowed our circumstances daunt her.

What’s your favourite place in Dublin and why?

Trinity College. It was my haven and my gateway to a better life. I go there, daydream and remi­nisce about my journey so far.

Anything you would like to plug?

We are celebrating 20 years on Sutton Cross this year. It’s been the privilege of my life to have the local community trust me with their dental needs. I adore my work and would love another twenty! Dental implants and composite bonding are two treatments that have undergone revolu­tionary improvements in recent years. We can transform people’s smiles and confidence with these treatments. That gives me huge satisfac­tion.