Buying a fridge freezer isn’t always the easiest task. It’s difficult to understand the difference between models and it can be even harder to tell which are the best brands on the market. It can be very confusing, so we’ve put together this handy guide of questions to consider before you purchase, to make sure that you end up with the very best fridge freezer for your home.
Recent research undertaken by Bosch revealed the top priorities of their customers when choosing a new fridge freezer. Here’s a summary of the questions they found were most important to Bosch customers:
Is it frost-free?
Buying the top fridge freezer in your price range will save you time and money in the long-term. A frost-free appliance means no more throwing out food just so you can defrost the freezer, no more time battling with frozen drawers, and no more time trying to identify suspect packages iced over in the back of the compartment. It also means no more mopping up soaking floors as you defrost either. With frost-free you don't get freezer burn, food stays fresher for longer and you don't get ice build-up, so thankfully no defrosting.
How big is it?
Big enough means different things to different people but most new fridge freezers come at a standard size (around 186cm). Within that, you get to choose what ratio you get – typically either half and half, 60:40 fridge freezer to freezer, or 70:30. Which you chose should come down to the way you shop, cook and live. If you’re someone who likes to stock up on fresh produce, go for one with greater fridge capacity. If you like to stock up on frozen foods, there’s your answer. Appliance retailers say that these days the trend isn’t to fill the freezer with processed ready-meals. Instead, a growing number of us are bulk- cooking at weekends and freezing meals for the week ahead. How’s that for convenience food?
Will it keep my food fresh?
A large portion of any household budget goes on food. To avoid food waste – and money waste – you want food to stay fresh for as long as possible. Not all the best-rated refrigerators are equal on this score. Extras such as VitaFresh humidity-free ‘zero degree drawers’ will not freeze your food, but are so chilled as to slow down the natural decay process significantly. It means no more hunting around in the supermarket for the freshest berries, only to find them wearing little fur jackets two days later. Such innovations might cost you a bit more but they’ll pay for themselves in reduced food waste over time.
How much power does it consume?
Everybody is more energy conscious these days and a fridge freezer should be no exception. If anything, energy efficiency is even more important for a fridge freezer because it’s the only appliance we expect to run all day, every day, 365 days a year. Make sure it’s A-rated or better (it goes to A+++) to ensure you are making the most savings possible on your electricity bill.
What about air quality?
When it comes to fridge freezers we actually do know what goes on behind closed doors. It’s cross contamination, much of the time. It’s why you end up with such smelly wonders as cheesy fruit, or garlic bread-flavoured everything, not to mention simply whiffy fridge freezers. Of course you can put in a natural odour absorber, like a bowl of oats, and hope for the best. But what’s the point in buying great ingredients if they’re always going to taste slightly off? Anyone for salami-flavoured whipped cream? Didn’t think so. You’re much better off buying a fridge freezer with a ‘fresh filter’ in place, to stop flavour contamination completely.
How long will it last?
When it came to white goods, for far too long consumers put up with nonsense notions of built-in obsolescence. If the recession did anything for us it was to give consumers back a taste of value for money. What that means in practice is that we are in fact prepared to spend more money to get something that performs well and will last the test of time.
A fridge freezer from any of the top refrigerator brands is a significant investment for any household. Choose the right one and you’ll save money in food waste, energy usage and overall durability. But we also want a little wow for our money too. Choose a smart fridge freezer, one with the technology to let you see inside it via your mobile phone, and you’ll never arrive home again with milk, when you already have six litres.
Further future-proof your fridge freezer by choosing one that’s going to look good for years. White and brushed aluminium finishes are still the most common, but these days you can choose a model in a range of funky colours too. Some even come with replaceable covers you can swap out when you’re changing your kitchen decor. That’s what you call really keeping things fresh!
To purchase a Bosch fridge freezer please visit select kitchen retailers, or one of their retailer sites: