Delaney's statement

THE full text of Joe Delaney's statement is:

THE full text of Joe Delaney's statement is:

"I wish to clarify my role in the acquisition and management of match tickets for the World Cup in America in 1994.

"In Spring 94 the FAI ordered tickets for matches in other groups. These tickets were used to barter for extra tickets for the FAI and in turn for the Irish fans. I was requested by the then honorary treasurer Mr C H Walsh to carry out this operation because of the experience I had gained in Italy 90 and Germany 88.

"This was not the easiest of tasks but the object was to get as many extra tickets as possible for Irish fans.


"The exchange and purchase of tickets between national associations and indeed with agents is common practice at major championships. In 1994 one of these agents, with whom I dealt on behalf of the FAI, proved less than trustworthy. The FAI was facing a shortfall of £110,000.

"As the error of judgment in dealing with this agent had been mine I felt honour bound to personally meet this shortfall, to ensure that the FAI were not at a loss.

"I now realise that I should have informed the FAI senior council of these facts in November 1994."