Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) is reminding anglers to follow safety guidelines and to be aware of potential dangers and risks. According to the latest figures from Water Safety Ireland, 105 people drowned in Irish waters last year.
Over the last 10 years, 1,200 people have drowned, an average of 10 every month. Many drownings happen quickly, silently and in cooler water with hidden currents that impairs the ability to swim and float.
Anglers often have to deal with changing conditions and hidden dangers so wearing a life jacket on a boat is mandatory.
The following is a list of safety measures which should be adhered to:
- Wear a life jacket;
- Follow advice on warning signs;
- Don't take risks when wading or fishing from boat or shore;
- Check weather forecast and tide tables.
Fish with a partner or let someone know where you’re going; Take a charged mobile phone in a waterproof case and wear appropriate clothing and footwear.
Suzanne Campion, IFI’s head of business development appealed to anglers to follow the aforementioned safety steps and, under current conditions, to adhere to IFI’s guidelines. Remember, Government advice to stop the spread of coronavirus is be responsible, be safe.
An information booklet Safety on the Water – Angling Water Safety Guidelines is available at
Irish Game Fair
When Covid-19 struck, the Irish Game Fair organisers put in place plans to postpone the fair planned for Shanes Castle in June. Later, as the pandemic became more serious, they implemented a contingency plan to run the two-day event in August.
Unfortunately they have now had to take the final difficult decision to postpone the fair until 26/27th June, 2021.
Game Fair organiser Albert Titterington said: “It was a difficult decision as we had everything in place including a new layout, a Covid compliant plan and a range of new exhibitors were committed to being there.”
However, in its place is a Virtual Game Fair where the public can enjoy the sights of a real game fair, alongside a range of special virtual trade stands, competitions and country fun, local tourism highlights, conservation and country-based activities, special produce and much more.
It's a brand new concept – a world first – and will open for business at on 29th/30th August 2020 and remain active until the real fair takes place in June next year.
River Life in Ireland
Prof Ken Whelan will deliver a webinar talk on River Life in Ireland this Thursday (August 6th) at 8pm.
"The island of Ireland possesses an aquatic heritage which is unique in Europe. Our abundance of rivers and streams teem with life but they are under threat from climate change, land use changes, pollution and modern life in general," he said.
In his webinar, Prof Whelan will introduce you to the magical world of underwater animals and plants, highlight some the threats they face and advise on small steps all of us can take to keep our rivers and streams healthy and productive. He is an environmental and fisheries consultant and an adjunct professor in UCD’s School of Biology and Environmental Science and research director with the Atlantic Salmon Trust.
He is best known internationally for his work on the Atlantic salmon and has produced, presented and scripted many films and videos on various aspects of Irish fisheries, wildlife and angling. He is also a regular contributor to the Mooney Goes Wild programme on RTÉ Radio1.
The event is hosted by Limerick City and County Council and is a European Green Leaf 2020 event. You can register here.
The Sheelin
On the Sheelin, 31 trout were recorded over the past two weeks with James Casey’s fabulous sedge trout of almost 6lbs taking top weight. Most of the trout were caught during the late evening and dusk on small dry sedge and emerger patterns.

Day time fishing was poor with long hours of casting teams of wets with poor return and few rises. Flies that worked included a combination of small Golden Olive on the pt., Green Peter in the middle and Claret Bumble on the top.
The Corrib
On the Corrib, Basil Shields of Ardnasillagh Lodge (091-552550) reported reasonable angling in the Oughterard area on mayfly. Colin Wright (Belfast) had 14 trout for five days while Bernard Gosnell had four.
Milton Matthews and Lindsey Clarke had three for 8lb and Michael and John Shiels (Dublin) managed 12 over two days. Eddie Rowe (Dublin) had two (best 4lb).
In the Cornamona area, Peter Walsh and friend reported good angling on wetfly and dapped crickets.
Charity competition
A Charity Competition will be held on Saturday 29th August on Lough Lene, Castlepollard, Co Westmeath, with all proceeds to the Irish Cancer Society. Registration will start at 9.30am with fishing from 11am to 6pm.
Contact Gerry Heaslip at 086-225 3126 for entry details.