A new report entitled The Celtic Sea Trout Project (CSTP) addresses significant knowledge gaps as to why sea trout are suffering a decline in parts of Ireland and the United Kingdom which border the Irish Sea.
The report, published by Inland Fisheries Ireland and available at celticseatrout.com/technical-report.pdf, is a multi-agency partnership investigation into sea trout entering the Irish Sea to identify causes of decline with a view to supporting potential management solutions.
Current understanding suggests the incidence of sea trout and composition of their stocks are sensitive to change in the environment in which they live. These life history features make it a unique and potentially sensitive indicator of environmental change.

The structure of the Irish Sea and the variety of rivers draining to it, ranging from the mountainous rivers of west Wales to the lowland rivers of east Ireland, meant there was a wide range of marine and freshwater environments for the study.
The research will improve the management and long-term future of sea trout by providing information which can be translated into fishery and conservation benefits for countries bordering the Irish Sea.
It has also established a wider awareness and long-term network of people working to secure the future of sea trout.
Funded under the Interreg IVA Ireland-Wales Programme, the project is the first in Ireland and the UK to combine a variety of disciplines in the study of sea trout and their fisheries on a large scale.
Angling show returns
The Ireland Angling Expo will be back in action at the National Show Centre in Swords, Co Dublin, on February 18th-19th, 2017. Once again, the show will include a gathering of angling experts with more than 100 exhibitors of tackle retailers, boat builders and fishing holiday providers.
Mara Media extend a warm welcome back to Scuola Italiana Di Pesca A Mosca - SIM who will participate with Italian-style casting demonstrations and talks on fishing in Italy.
The international flavour will showcase the sleek Marcraft fishing boats, handcrafted in the Netherlands (www.marcraftvisboten.nl). Joining the boat exhibitors will be Warrior Boats, Viking Marine, Erne Boats, MCA Boats and Arrow Boats.
Fishing in Norway, Alaska, Italy and other exotic locations will be represented. Charter skippers and providers on our inland waters will be on hand to help plan the perfect fishing trip.
At the heart of the show is the family zone which promises to be fun and interactive with workshops, entomology tuition and a host of attractions to encourage juniors to pick up a rod and go fishing.
Talk to the experts to improve your technique with instruction from Scott Mackenzie, Hywel Morgan, Jim Clohessy, Tommy Pickering, Adam Wakelin, Dan Esox, Andrew Allsop and many more.
Elsewhere, the Irish Specimen Fish awards day will take place in nearby Clayton Hotel on the Saturday (18th) at 2.30pm. Buses will run to and from the show for those of you who wish to attend both events.
For further updates, see Facebook, Twitter and www.irelandanglingexpo.ie.
Fly fishing competition in Waterford
Waterford City and County Trout Anglers is holding the Carrigavantry Cup charity fly fishing competition on Saturday, 4th March on Knockaderry Reservoir, Kilmeaden, Co Waterford, in aid of Nadine's Cancer Battle Trust Fund.
"This is the second year of supporting Nadine and we hope to push the family over the line on their fundraising so that Nadine can go abroad to have a new form of treatment that is not available in Ireland", Michael Sheehan said.
Entry forms and rules are available at waterfordflyfishing.ie/competitions
Waterford Fly Fishing’s Facebook page. The club will also have a stand at the angling show in Swords, Co Dublin, in February.
DCU students continue raising funds for Howth RNLI
Students from DCU’s Surf N Sail Club recently presented a cheque for €850 to Howth RNLI. Over the past five years, the club has raised €3,568 in much-needed funds for the lifeboat station from their annual swim at nearby Balscadden Beach.