Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) has announced a new funding call for three schemes during 2019 aimed at conservation and development projects nationwide, through the National Strategy for Angling Development (NSAD).
Applications are invited from angling clubs, local development associations, tidy towns and others who may be looking to carry out projects. The call consists of three schemes:
a) Capital Grants Scheme (€136,000) is aimed at capital improvement works with grants available to groups and individuals looking to improve angling access and infrastructure in their locality. The scheme is open to the value of €136,000.
b) Salmon and Sea Trout Rehabilitation, Conservation and Protection Fund will focus specifically on salmon and sea trout and fund rehabilitation, protection and conservation projects.
c) Midlands Fisheries Fund (€50,000) will centre on conservation and rehabilitation projects in the midland fisheries permit area. The fund has been created through contributions from the permit income received via the midlands fisheries group permit area.
The Minister for Inland Fisheries, Sean Canney said since the inception of NSAD €3.4million has been invested in fisheries development, protection and conservation projects across the country.
“The fisheries resource should be enjoyed by all and this funding call once more will help bring angling to the broader community in a conservation focused manner,” Mr Canney said.
Applicants must apply through an "Expression of Interest" form to progress to full application which can be submitted from May 20th with the closing date of June 20th 2019. See for further details.
For those seeking support with the application process, workshops will be held at the following locations:
Dublin: Citywest Hotel, tonight; Cavan: Cavan Crystal Hotel, April 30th; Donegal: Harvey's Point, May 1st; Ballina: Great National Hotel, May 2nd; Galway: Maldron Hotel, Oranmore, May 3rd; Limerick: Maldron Hotel, May 7th; Tralee: Ballygarry Hotel, May 8th; Cork: Rochestown Park Hotel, May 9th; Kilkenny: Ormonde Hotel, May 10th.
Changeable winds
-On Corrib last week changeable winds curtailed angling at times especially when easterly winds prevailed. Olive hatches were moderate and mayfly were reported in the Carrick, Dooras, Baurisheen and Connors Island areas, albeit sparse.

Cong AC hosted their annual wet fly competition on Easter Monday at which 33 anglers weighed in 22 trout. Stephen Lydon took the honours with three fish for 6lb.
The club will host their mayfly competition on May 26th. For details contact Dan O’Donovan at 086123 8174.
-The School of Natural Sciences at TCD and IFI have signed a memorandum of understanding with the aim of increasing opportunities for more collaborative projects through direct cooperation and sharing of resources.
Research around climate change and the challenges it presents for the fisheries resource will continue to be a focus for both organisations. A national climate monitoring programme in water bodies has been established to inform management of freshwater and marine fish experiencing effects of climate change.
Innovative research
Trinity College Dublin recently appointed two academic staff to the School of Natural Sciences whose expertise are centred on marine ecology and fish biology. Those appointments bolster the existing capacity within the School of Natural Sciences for impactful and innovative research that is highly relevant to Inland Fisheries Ireland's broad remit.
Prof Bowie at TCD said the university’s zoology department conducted world-leading research on the impacts of climate change across marine, freshwater and terrestrial systems.
“That department’s team represent a critical mass of expertise that should prove valuable for addressing broad questions with IFI about climate impacts on fisheries resources,” he said.
Contact the School of Natural Sciences at for further information.
Licence revoked
The decision to revoke the licence of the Norwegian multinational Marine Harvest to grow salmon at their site in Deenish on the Kerry coast has been welcomed by Friends of the Irish Environment (FIE).
In discontinuing the licence, the Minister noted that the company recorded a harvest in 2016 of 1,108 tons - in excess of the authorised limit by 122 per cent and said the decision is “warranted and proportionate”.
While welcoming the decision, FIE's Tony Lowes said overstocking undermines the department's sea lice control, where the number of lice are based on samples taken multiplied by the number of fish licenced. If the site is overstocked by 122 per cent, the number of lice will also be 122 per cent higher than the recorded level.