Landlords with 100-plus tenancies in Dublin now have 26% of rental market
Number of institutional landlords in capital has grown, with average rent for new tenancies at €2,226
Number of institutional landlords in capital has grown, with average rent for new tenancies at €2,226
RTB data identifies 16,000 ‘tenancies of concern’ with rent rises above 2 per cent
Cameras at Co Cork property sent notifications to couple’s phones when tenants entered and exited
Changes announced in Budget 2025 on taxes, housing costs, welfare and the minimum wage will take some edge off household bills
Exceptions to rent pressure zone rules can be valuable but do make sure you are staying precisely within the rules
In Ireland, property management companies seem wedded to ludicrous standards about what is and isn’t acceptable to be seen
Deadline looming not just for 2023 tax bill but also for payment of preliminary tax for the current year
I rent out a property for €1,400 a month. The open-market rent would be about €2,300
Budget 2025 triggered a range of queries from readers on issues including child benefit for newborns and landlord tax relief
In another case gardaí were called because landlord suspected house was being used as growhouse
Despite the limitations on rent increases, residential investment property owners still benefit from healthy capital appreciation
Appointment comes as RTB grapples with technological shortfalls and delays resolving disputes
Inside Business podcast with Ciarán Hancock
Lower heating bills benefit tenants, not landlords, while rent caps mean they won’t get higher income from letting out cosier homes
Rent: Residential Tenancies Board says possible cause is removal of historical tenancies from register
Q&A: Mother faced with 40% rise in cost for child’s student accommodation
Lizet Pena-Herrera has not received RTB awards totalling €15,443
High Court upheld Revenue bill for more than €3m in outstanding tax and interest against Paul Howard and Una McClean
Apartments in Capel Street are let on a short-term basis where beds in a shared room are being offered from €11.16 per night
Mexican tenant Salvador Chavez Morales complained about a camera trained on the kitchen of his Dublin rental, part of the property business of controversial Luxembourg landlord Marc Godart
Officials said move would cause ‘unintended consequences’, records released to Sinn Féin show
Largest group of renters from small landlords now couples with children, at 33%
Property Clinic: How long is reasonable for me to wait for maintenance to be carried out?
Budget tax measures aren’t meaningful enough for many small landlords to stick out the storm
Government focused its budgetary firepower on housing but reaction suggests it may not have done enough to keep any group happy
Budget 2024: Focus also falls on landlord tax and the absence of further retrofit support, while businesses struggle to find good news
Tax relief a ‘welcome recognition’ despite challenging period, says landlord
Budget 2024: Number of measures including mortgage interest rate relief and increase in vacant property tax rate announced
Budget 2024: Fraught pre-budget negotiations made worse by expected €1bn health overspend
Revenue set to launch new system aimed at tightening tax rules for landlords based abroad
Since being informed their landlord wanted to sell last October, several Tathony House residents are still occupying flats and protesting the eviction
Rent Pressure Zone rules should also be relaxed, says Ipav
Marc Godart (34) is a director of 56 Irish companies, including several recently-incorporated firms offering ‘short-stay accommodation’, records show
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