Crosswords & Puzzles
Crosswords & puzzles to keep you challenged and entertained
Joyce, Brexit, Kabul and Sophie Toscan du Plantier among wide variety of topics
An Irishman’s Diary
How to celebrate Ulysses, James Joyce’s great novel, set in Dublin on June 16th, 1904
A proper living city provides home for people of all income levels and backgrounds
A hundred years from now, perhaps people will look back and laugh at our fumbling attempts to censor online speech
Fatherhood is a kind of makey-up thing, but it has come into its own in lockdown
Irish writers have done more to promote Royal Ascot, surely, than English writers ever did
No 9 Little Britain St played starring role as Barney Kiernan’s pub in Joyce’s Ulysses
Bruxism is brought on by anxiety and stress and can cause teeth to wear, crack or split
Meet the business owners who have had to change overnight to keep going during the Covid-19 crisis
Frank McNally on the man who never visited Dublin but landed a key role in Ulysses
On James Joyce’s birthday we can rejoice in the power of language to gladden our hearts
'Over and over again he tells me that if I want to have a lean physique, I will need a time machine'
The Decade in Culture: t’s up to us to reclaim the private self from Google and Facebook
Crosswords & puzzles to keep you challenged and entertained
Full general election coverage including analysis and results for all 43 constituencies
How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands
Weddings, Births, Deaths and other family notices