Harmonious deals on offer in music tech

A new tech festival aims to discover the next big thing, enabling music technology companies to pitch ideas to potential investors.

The Hard Working Class Heroes digital eDvent in October is part of the music festival of the same name, where musicians can meet and collaborate with industry figures.

The decision was taken to introduce a dedicated technology element following successful collaborations that saw music technology firms such as Soundwave and 45sound showcased at the festival.

Music sharing app Soundwave launched earlier this week at an Apple store in London, and has been praised by Stephen Fry and Steve Wozniak.


Twenty-five companies will take part in HWCH Digital in October (ideas should be in by July 26th). The digital element of the festival is being supported by NDRC. “We have had much success with ventures in the music technology space,” said NDRC director Gary Leyden.

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien is an Irish Times business and technology journalist