Gardaí seize €410,000 worth of drugs in Tallaght

Haul includes cannabis, cocaine, heroin, alprazloman and zopiclone along with scales and packing machines

Tim O’Brien

Heroin was among the drugs seized in Tallaght
Heroin was among the drugs seized in Tallaght

Gardaí seized €410,000 worth of controlled drugs during a search of an address in Tallaght, Dublin, on Wednesday afternoon.

Gardaí found cannabis, cocaine, heroin (diamorphine), alprazloman and zopiclone drugs which were seized alongside paraphernalia that included scales and two large vacuum packing machines.

The total value of the drugs seized was estimated at €410,000. The drugs are subject to analysis by Forensic Science Ireland.


One woman aged in her 40s was arrested at the scene and is currently detained under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act, 1996 at a Garda station in Dublin. Investigations are ongoing.

The Garda said the seizure was part of Operation Tara, an enhanced national anti-drugs strategy, which aims to disrupt, dismantle and prosecute drug trafficking networks involved in the sale and supply of controlled drugs.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist