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Drowning in a Sea of Love
Border Community

He's the latest electronica kingpin to be widely lauded, but Nathan Fake's debut album is far more about bumps than beats. The Norfolk producer may be taking cues from such peers as Boards of Canada and Ulrich Schnauss in this regard, but there are a lot more weatherbeaten and windswept factors to his sounds than mere duplication or repetition. Using a variety of synths to deck out a palette of impressive tones, Fake recognises the potential to unearth great scenes and scores from all manner of moods. Tracks such as Grandfathering and You Are Here are hugely cinematic in how they prowl the landscape, whereas Dynamo and, especially The Sky Was Pink, have a more progressively expressionistic gait. All in all, it's a set that shows Fake has the know-how to develop his ideas and sounds beyond mere meandering. www.bordercommunity.com