There are albums that swagger into your life, full of brio and self-confidence, sporting either a big smile or a wounded look that says no one has ever had it this bad. Brightly Painted One isn't in this category. This determinedly minor album prefers to gently coax listeners into its world of gossamer beauty. Tiny Ruins was originally New Zealand singer-songwriter Hollie Fullbrook, but the band now includes drummer Alexander Freer and bassist Cass Basil. This, their second album, is so understated you almost expect it to apologise for disturbing the peace. Fullbrook's voice is light sandpaper otherworldly – a perfect vehicle for these haunting folkish melodies and lyrical fragments. At times she is redolent of Jolie Holland, particularly on the bluesier tunes, but always she is mysterious, intriguing, evocative. Catch her in Dublin next month. tiny
Download: Carriages, She'll Be Coming Around
Tiny Ruins: Brightly Painted One