They emerged from Ireland's DIY music scene circa 2007, so you can imagine how You're Only Massive might sound after seven subsequent years spent living in Berlin. For the most part, the debut album proper by Waterford's Maebh Cheasty and David Murphy is a case of "Do not adjust your iPod". These loosely formed, experimental pop songs take time to attune to, but there are some interesting ideas amidst the ramshackle beats, synthpop, rapping and off-kilter squiggles and squeaks – most notably on the Human League-esque I Do Everything. It all becomes a little amateurish on occasion, and closing couplet Beep Beep and Grand Theft are patience-trying listens. Still, there's no denying that every song is an adventure, to say the least.
You're Only Massive: Stop Talking | Album Review