
Project Cube, Dublin

Project Cube, Dublin

The play’s title is


, but it’s just as much about social networking and the dissection of a shallow relationship. Margaret (Jody O’Neill, who also wrote) and Simon (Matthew Ralli) meet – perhaps in a supermarket guided by the rules of Celebrity’s (the fictional “World’s Number 1 Women’s Magazine”) guide to bagging a man, or perhaps online, their eyes “meeting across a social network”.


In a world saturated with celebrity culture and social networking, the play indicates, the chances of forging and nurturing a real relationship are reduced. So it looks at how identity is created online in a culture where fame determines worth and “you’re only a Facebook page away from a better, prettier, more popular you”. The premise leads to a zippy, skilful and energetic, funny and smart 70-minute anatomy of Margaret and Simon’s meeting, rapid marriage and disenchant- ment, complete with song and dance interludes and some neat lighting tricks. To continue the cliché, she wants a child; he gives her a table lamp which they call Plum; is this really a lamp or the symbol of a real baby in the glare of celebrity? Or does it matter?

It’s clear that a lot of work has gone into this pitch-perfect performance directed by Carl Kennedy for new theatre company Peer to Peer; there’s Arts Council project money there, and support from Project.

O’Neill in particular is a talent to watch, both as writer and performer. And if it strikes that the exploration of the issues wouldn’t bear too close a scrutiny, perhaps the tendency towards the triumph of style over substance is perfect for the subject matter. It deals with contemporary lifestyle, and, crucially, is pleasurable and engaging entertainment. For those who want an integrated online experience, there’s interaction via celebritymagazine.ie.

Runs until Jan 29

Deirdre Falvey

Deirdre Falvey

Deirdre Falvey is a features and arts writer at The Irish Times