IrelandMorning Briefing

Monday’s top stories: Children in overcrowded State care at risk of abuse; Scammers drain woman’s Revolut account

Israel will no longer approve food aid to northern Gaza, UN agency says; Eilish O’Carroll on finding love – ‘We were both straight women living a straight life’

New Fine Gael leader Simon Harris has ruled out an early general election, stating he wants the Coalition to run its full term.

State care: Children in overcrowded emergency Tusla accommodation at risk of abuse

Many children in State care are living in overcrowded emergency accommodation, leaving some at risk of being abused as a result of having to share bedrooms with others, according to internal Tusla records.

About 170 children taken into care by Tusla, the child and family agency, are being accommodated in unregulated placements known as “special emergency arrangements”.

Internal Tusla documents reveal cases of children in the emergency accommodation contracting scabies and living in rooms with bed bugs. Others were accommodated in isolated locations away from their communities, leaving children facing commutes to schools of up to five hours a day in one case.


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