Do try this at home

Cork tiles have a desperately dated image - they're so dated and dull that it's probably high time they had a retro chic comeback…

Cork tiles have a desperately dated image - they're so dated and dull that it's probably high time they had a retro chic comeback. If you can't face the all-consuming brown-ness of original cork tiles, a funky alternative is available in a range of cork tiles from Harvey Maria, a UK-based design company.

These colourful tiles feature a range of designs from ocean waves, bubbles and roses to autumn leaves, shown above, and grass. All fall under the theme of seasonal changes - spring, summer, winter and autumn.

The tile itself is cork based with a tough layer of PVC which protects the image, making it durable while at the same time allowing you to create a really dramatic impact. Colours in the autumn range, for example, are the vibrant shades you would expect from that season, with a rich saturation of red in every hue.

The less brave can choose from the more delicate shades of spring in soft pastel shades - you can create a carpet of pink petals for your floor for a more subtle impact. Prices are £39.95 sterling per sq yd and they are available through mail order.


Tel: 0044 208 516 7788 or website And if you want to get totally carried away with the cork theme, Crown paints has just brought out a new range of wallpaper coverings that look just like cork - right down to the metallic gold and silver highlights - available in a range of colours.