Jennifer Zamparelli’s is hot, Ed Sheeran’s hairy lyrics are not

Get yourself some coffee porter, but don’t believe the Bohemian Rhapsody hype

Jennifer Zamparelli on Dancing with the Stars. Photograph: RTÉ


Jennifer Zamparelli The real star of Dancing with the Stars.

Clanbrassil Coffee Shop's croissants Specifically their excellent ham and cheese croissant, in Dublin 8

Denise Gough The Irish actor is excellent in Colette, and has recently been cast in the upcoming Game of Thrones prequel

Horizn Studios M5 Want to invest in some luggage? Check out this dream cabin bag


Years and Years Not the band, the upcoming Emma Thompson political drama on BBC

Coffee porter Try Dick Mack's collaboration with Bean In Dingle, or Joe coffee porter from O Brother

Bright plants Get ready to cheer up your garden by going big and bold with dahlias


Dodgy lyrics "Hair growing where it's meant to" – take a bow, Ed Sheeran, who wrote this puzzling new Westlife lyric

'Bohemian Rhapsody' The mind boggles as to why this very ropy film is winning awards

Podcast pressure There are only so many hours in the day for people's recommendations

Sock sneakers Time to put them back in the drawer

Closing clubs Now is the time to get the party started again

Nut butter Move over nuts, it's seed butter's time to shine