Boris Johnson, Carrie Symonds and the curious case of the vanishing newspaper story

The UK PM seemingly wanted to hire his now wife as his chief of staff in 2018. Why have reports of the claims disappeared?

Carrie and Boris Johnson: a spokesperson for the UK prime minister’s wife said the claims were ‘totally untrue’. Photograph: Daniel Leal/Pool/AFP via Getty
Carrie and Boris Johnson: a spokesperson for the UK prime minister’s wife said the claims were ‘totally untrue’. Photograph: Daniel Leal/Pool/AFP via Getty

At first glance the story appeared to be the British political scoop of the weekend. On Saturday the London Times reported claims that Boris Johnson had tried to hire his now wife as his chief of staff when he was foreign secretary. But almost as soon as the article hit the printers it was withdrawn, without explanation or clarification.

The piece, written by the veteran lobby journalist Simon Walters, formerly of the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday, appeared on page five of some early print copies of Saturday’s Times newspaper but was dropped for later editions. It does not appear that the article was ever published on the Times’ website.

The story expanded on claims in a biography of Carrie Johnson by the Tory donor and peer Lord Ashcroft that Johnson had tried to appoint her to a £100,000-a-year government job when he was the UK foreign secretary in 2018. It said the idea had fallen apart when his closest advisers learned of the idea to hire the Tory press chief, then known as Carrie Symonds, whom he later married. Johnson was then still married to Marina Wheeler, a barrister.

A source with knowledge of the situation told the Guardian newspaper this account was correct, but a spokesperson for Carrie Johnson was categoric. “These claims are totally untrue,” she said. Downing Street declined to give an on-the-record response to the story but a No 10 source also said the story was untrue—and suggested it was sexist. “This is a grubby, discredited story turned down by most reputable media outlets because it isn’t true. The facts speak for themselves.”


Walters told the Guardian: “I stand by the story. I went to all the relevant people over two days. Nobody offered me an on-the-record denial, and Downing Street didn’t deny it off the record either.”

Journalists at the Times were baffled by the decision to withdraw Saturday’s story, with multiple sources suggesting there had been a high-level intervention to remove it. The paper’s editor, John Witherow, is reported to be off work. His deputy Tony Gallagher edited the newspaper on Friday, with multiple sources saying he made the call to drop the story from later editions.

A spokesperson for News UK, owner of the London Times and Sunday Times, declined to comment on why an article that appeared prominently in potentially hundreds of thousands of print newspapers had been removed from later editions, without any explanation.

Walters recently left his senior position at the Daily Mail, where he first revealed the scandal over Carrie Johnson’s renovations of the Downing Street flat. MailOnline rewrote the Times’ story about the proposed government job for Carrie Johnson in the early hours of Saturday morning but has since also deleted its article without explanation or an editor’s note. News aggregation sites have also deleted their copies of the MailOnline article.

Removing the article may be an example of the Streisand effect, where attempts to delete information from the internet make the public much more interested in it.