Brinks and B of I end cash-delivery contract

The security firm Brinks Allied has terminated its contract to deliver cash to off-site Bank of Ireland ATMs following a series…

The security firm Brinks Allied has terminated its contract to deliver cash to off-site Bank of Ireland ATMs following a series of robberies.

The two companies have been in dispute since April when Brinks Allied stopped its service to the ATMs affected. However, just before the bank applied to the courts for an order compelling the security firm to resume deliveries, Brinks recommenced deliveries.

Since then, Brinks has carried less cash to the ATMs, and the machines in question often run out of money.

It is believed the firm was looking for the bank to accept increased liability for losses from robberies during deliveries.


A spokeswoman for the bank said: "On May 19th last, Bank of Ireland received a letter from Brinks giving three months and three days notice of termination of the ATM service. With effect from August 20th, 2005, Bank of Ireland will not be using Brinks to deliver cash to the 85 affected ATMs."

The bank has arranged that Chubb Ireland will service the 85 ATMs (10 in Waterford 20 in Cork and the rest in Dublin) on an interim basis with immediate effect.

The bank also confirmed it has a separate cash-in-transit service contract with Brinks that is not affected in the current dispute.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times