Close finish seen in Lithuania election

LITHUANIA: Former president Mr Valdas Adamkus and ex-prime minister Ms Kazimira Prunskiene were neck-and-neck in Lithuania's…

LITHUANIA: Former president Mr Valdas Adamkus and ex-prime minister Ms Kazimira Prunskiene were neck-and-neck in Lithuania's presidential race last night, writes Daniel McLaughlin in Moscow

With 59 per cent of the votes counted in a presidential run-off, Mr Adamkus had 51 per cent of ballots against Ms Prunskiene's 49 per cent, bearing out pre-election polls that gave the centrist veteran a slim lead over a woman who has promised a crackdown on corruption and help for the poor. Turnout was estimated at 41 per cent.

They are vying to succeed former stunt pilot Mr Rolandas Paksas, who was impeached in April after a scandal erupted over his alleged links to the Russian mafia and intelligence services.

He says he was the victim of a smear campaign by an elite who feared that he would expose rampant graft. He is backing Ms Prunskiene (61), who was Lithuania's first prime minister after it regained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.


She was forced to step down amid allegations of past KGB ties, ruining her political career in the late 1990s, but was cleared of the charges earlier this year.

Mr Adamkus (77) led Lithuania from 1998-2003 before being defeated by Mr Paksas.

He has campaigned more heavily in the provinces this time in the hope of reducing the rural advantage that Ms Prunskiene inherited from her backer, Mr Paksas.

Lithuania's regions view the political establishment with much suspicion. The feeling was confirmed for many last week when anti-corruption police raided offices belonging to supporters of Mr Adamkus amid a vote-buying scandal.