Court application for Haughey photo withdrawal adjourned

A High Court application by a photographic agency for an order withdrawing from sale copies of journalist Sam Smyth's new book…

A High Court application by a photographic agency for an order withdrawing from sale copies of journalist Sam Smyth's new book, Thanks A Million Big Fella, has been adjourned until tomorrow.

The case came before the High Court last week and was put back until Friday when Ms Justice Laffoy granted a further adjournment until yesterday.

When the case was called yesterday, Mr Rex Mackey SC, for Photocall Picture Agency Ltd, said he had received four lengthy affidavits and required more time. Mr Michael McDowell SC appeared for Folens Publishing Company.

Mr Justice Kelly adjourned the matter to tomorrow.


Photocall Picture Agency Ltd, Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin, claims ownership of a photograph on the book's front cover featuring former Taoiseach Mr Charles Haughey shaking hands with businessman Mr Ben Dunne.

The book is published by Folens Publishing Co, trading as Blackwater Press.

It was submitted last week that the photograph on the cover of the book was a faked version of the original photograph of which Photocall claims it owns copyright.

The agency claims the fake was effected by digital image manipulation of certain figures out of the original photograph and by superimposing the face of former minister Mr Michael Lowry on to that of an unknown bystander.