Daughter says she is 'delighted' at appeal outcome

Ms Sorcha McKenna said she and her mother Fiona were "absolutely delighted" at the increase in her father's sentence

Ms Sorcha McKenna said she and her mother Fiona were "absolutely delighted" at the increase in her father's sentence. She had publicly expressed her disappointment when he received three years in 2000 for sexual offences against her over an eight-year period.

"We were hopeful that there would be an increase but we didn't expect three years," she said.

On RTÉ radio yesterday, Ms McKenna said she felt "a great relief" that the case was finally closed. "It's a long, long struggle, basically, and it's finally come to an end today." She said she never had regrets about allowing her identity to be publicised but had been worried that the sentence might not be increased.

"A great number" of sex offence victims had contacted her seeking advice since her case was publicised. "It's a big step to take but I'm glad that people feel the need to come forward and take the steps I've taken.


"The reward at the end of it is the freedom you feel, having lifted the burden off your shoulders and sought justice." She said victims had a duty to report sex offences to prevent them from hurting someone else.

Ms McKenna is studying law and philosophy in Galway. She said it was now her priority to concentrate on her exams and enjoy the summer ahead.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times