Harney says use of State aircraft a mistake

The Tánaiste this evening described using a marine patrol aircraft to fly to open a friend’s off-licence as "a mistake".

The Tánaiste this evening described using a marine patrol aircraft to fly to open a friend’s off-licence as "a mistake".

Speaking on her return to office after honeymooning in Africa, Ms Mary Harney said in retrospect she would have sought some alternative route to fulfill her appointment.

Ms Mary Harney

Earlier today the European Commission confirmed that it is investigating whether Government ministers broke the terms of a contract used to purchase two marine patrol aircraft.

The Tánaiste had used the CASA aircraft to fly to Sligo on December 14th to open a friend’s off-licence in nearby Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim.


A spokeswoman for the European Fisheries Commissioner Mr Franz Fischler, confirmed to ireland.comthat an investigation has been launched following media inquiries yesterday.

She said all aspects of the 1994 contract which split the €48.25 million cost of two CASA marine patrol aircraft between the State and the EU were being examined to see if there had been a breach of agreement.

However a Government spokesman said no request for information has been received from the EU.

A CASA marine patrol aircraft
One of the CASA CN-235 aircraft used by the Irish Aer Corps

The purchase agreement stipulated that the aircraft be used for fisheries duties 90 per cent of the time.

If the State is found to have broken the stipulation the European Commission may seek the repayment of millions of euro.

A spokesman for Ms Harney said it had been necessary to fly because she had a series of Ministerial engagements in Dublin that day and would not have got to Manorhamilton on time had she travelled by car, he added. The cost of the return flight is estimated at €1,500.

A spokesman for the Department of the Marine tonight told ireland.comthat the aircraft were to be used 100 per cent for fisheries protection, including emergency work. He also said that up to close of business today that they had not heard from the EU on the matter.

Opposition parties yesterday hit out at Ms Harney.

Fine Gael's spokesman on enterprise, trade and employment, Mr Charles Flanagan said, Ms Harney's "dash to the West" mirrored the arrogance of Fianna Fáil.

Labour senator Mr Joe Costello said the trip constituted a serious abuse of office on her part. "The use by Government ministers of Air Corps aircraft requires the approval of the Taoiseach's Office, and if this was forthcoming it points to a serious error of judgment on the part of Bertie Ahern's Department."