Man (43) charged with rape of girl in Cork over a decade ago

Accused was also charged with two counts of attempted rape and 39 counts of sexual assault

A 43-year- old Corkman has been remanded on bail after he was charged with the rape, attempted rape and sexual assault of a girl over a decade ago.

The man, who can’t be named for legal reasons, was brought before Cork District Court on Monday where he was charged with a total of 42 offences.

The accused was charged with one count of rape, two counts of attempted rape and 39 counts of sexual assault on various dates between 2002 and 2008.

Det Garda Craig Peterson of the Garda Protective Services Unit attached to Anglesea Street Garda Station gave evidence of arrest, charge and caution.


He told Judge Olann Kelleher that the accused made no reply to any of the 42 charges when he put them to him after caution following his arrest.

Sgt John Kelleher said the DPP had directed that the accused be tried on indictment on all 42 charges by a judge and jury at the Central Criminal Court.

Defence solicitor, Eddie Burke said a book of evidence would be required and Sgt Kelleher applied for an adjourned for service of the book of evidence.

Det Garda Peterson said gardaí had no objection to the man being remanded on bail once he gave an undertaking to abide by certain bail conditions

These included that he would reside at his home address, notify gardaí of any change of address and sign on every Friday at his local garda station in Cork.

Gardaí were also seeking that he would surrender his passport and give an undertaking not to apply for a new one or any replacement travel documents.

Det Garda Peterson said that gardai were also seeking that the accused give an undertaking to have no contact directly or indirectly with the complainant.

Mr Burke said he had discussed the issue of bail with his client earlier and he was willing to abide by all the conditions being sought by the gardaí.

Judge Kelleher agreed to the adjournment and remanded the man on bail to appear at Cork District Court on June 15th for service of the book of evidence.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times