Irish warned about travelling to quake zones

The Department of Foreign Affairs is warning the public to be cautious about travelling to areas affected by deadly tidal waves…

The Department of Foreign Affairs is warning the public to be cautious about travelling to areas affected by deadly tidal waves which claimed over 12,000 lives in South East Asia yesterday.

The Department has also set up a helpline for relatives and friends concerned about Irish people living in areas hit by the tsunami.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Ahern yesterday said he was shocked by the devastating effects of the earthquake.

"I want to convey, on behalf of the Government and people of Ireland , our deepest sympathy to the countries in Southern Asia affected by the earthquake in Indonesia.


"In particular, I want to express our condolences to the families and friends of the victims of this tragedy," he said.

Although many international tourists have been affected by the flooding, there have been no reports so far of any Irish casualties. Mr Ahern said the Department of Foreign Affairs was working with the Irish embassies in India, Malaysia and Singapore to assist people who were trying to make contact with family members.

The following helpline numbers can be called: 01-4082302, 01-4082876 or 01-4082308.

The Department is also advising against travel to the Maldives, eastern parts of Sri Lanka and the west coast of Thailand for the time being.

It also urged people planning to travel to other tourist resorts in the region in the coming days to check with their travel operator and if possible, their accommodation provider.