My consumer life: Mickey Harte

Tyrone football manager Mickey Harte knows you need money to live, but says he is "not really interested in spending it" and …

Tyrone football manager Mickey Harte knows you need money to live, but says he is "not really interested in spending it" and he avoids shopping "like the plague".

Milk is the one product he knows the price of. As a father of four, he buys it in two-litre containers.

He does not know the price of a pint of Guinness, as he doesn't drink, and he says there is nothing in particular he enjoys spending money on.

Such is his lack of interest in material concerns that he is not really up to speed on his personal finances. "I'm not really aware of it. My wife looks after our money. She used to be a banker and she's very good at all of that, so I leave it up to her. We have a joint account and what's mine is hers and she just looks after the whole lot."


Despite being a reluctant consumer, Harte says that he would complain in a restaurant if necessary and he says that bad service would be the usual cause of his complaints. "I think service and manner are very important. It's important to be made feel welcome, and I think you go back to the places where you find that. I hate when you go into a place and no one even acknowledges your presence."

The Tyrone manager is no keener on shopping around for better banking or telecommunications services than he is on perusing the aisles of a shopping centre. "I wouldn't change my business unless there was some kind of serious problem. I wouldn't go searching for a different deal I'd just stay with what I'm happy with."