Painting remembers Spain's Omagh victims

The people of Omagh this week presented the people of Madrid with a special painting in memory of two young Spanish citizens …

The people of Omagh this week presented the people of Madrid with a special painting in memory of two young Spanish citizens who died in the Omagh bomb blast six years ago.

Fernando Blanco (12) and teacher Rocio Abad (29) - both from Madrid - were among the 29 killed in Omagh on August 15th, 1998. Madrid and Omagh are even more closely linked following the bombing in the Spanish capital on March 11th.

This week Mr Allan Rainey, chairman of the Omagh District Council, was one of the first of dozens of foreign dignitaries to visit Madrid after the March bombing to offer condolences.

"We had agreed to stage a reunion for the citizens of Omagh and Madrid, but we had no idea we would be doing so as cities united in grief," he said.


Mr Rainey presented the president of the Madrid autonomous government, Ms Esperanza Aguirre, with the painting.

It is the work of Portrush artist Carole Kane and was made from the tons of flowers sent to Omagh from around the world after the bombing. The artist dried and dissected each flower and set up workshops with local schoolchildren, victims and their families to make works in memory of those who had died.