Paramilitary activity 'not an issue' in Republic

Paramilitary activity is currently not an issue in the Republic, the Taoiseach declared today.

Paramilitary activity is currently not an issue in the Republic, the Taoiseach declared today.

Both paramilitary activity and training and targeting on those issues in the Republic that is not an issue at the moment
The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern

Mr Bertie Ahern said officials had consistently informed the Government during security briefings that activities were at a lull in the Republic.

"Both paramilitary activity and training and targeting on those issues in the Republic that is not an issue at the moment," Mr Ahern said.

On Minister for Justice, Mr Michael McDowell's claims that IRA activity in the Republic had now stopped, Mr Ahern said: "Paramilitary activity, as we define paramilitary activity, this has been a very, very quiet year and that has been our security briefings. We want to broaden that out to see the end of illegal activity in its widest sense."


"I think both Michael McDowell and I have been determined in discussions to get to an understanding on that to and we will keep at it to achieve that."

On the DUP's calls for photographic proof of IRA disarmament, Mr Ahern said: "I do not see quite frankly in the short term any movement if at all.

"We just over the next few days will continue to stay in touch with the British government and the parties unfortunately now we are going to drift out over the Christmas period but we will keep at it I don't accept that we have to leave this one until the other side of the summer," Mr Ahern said on Today FM radio station.

He said it was regrettable as so much had been achieved in the latest move towards restoring powersharing to Northern Ireland.