Andrews says he is too open and honest

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Andrews, said it was one of his problems that he was too open, honest and, perhaps, even…

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Andrews, said it was one of his problems that he was too open, honest and, perhaps, even too direct in his approach to issues.

He said that a "curtain" should be drawn on the controversial remarks he had made about Articles 2 and 3 of the Constitution and about cross-border bodies.

And he told the former Labour leader, Mr Dick Spring, during Question Time: "We can all drop the ball from time to time as the deputy will appreciate."

Mr Spring had asked about the peace process. He said that the difficulties in the talks could not possibly be overcome if every month the leader of the Irish Government delegation had to apologise across the table.


Mr Spring asked had the Minister had any meetings with the Ulster Unionist leader, Mr David Trimble, about his comments.

Mr Andrews replied: "This problem is one of my difficulties. I am too open, I am too honest and maybe I am too direct from time to time."

He added, however, that the day after his comments "the talks went into a mode that I believe will be successsful for the future of an historic judgment."

The Minister said there had been many difficulties at the Stormont talks and all the parties were resolved to overcome them.

"In relation to my own remarks in the past - I think we should look at the present and the future and we should draw a curtain on what was said in the past. I don't think it serves any useful purpose, I don't think it progresses the talks or the peace process any further."

Mr Spring said the reality was that the Minister was accountable to the House. "You give two interviews and on both occasions you end up saying you wish you could unsay the interview or the remark that you passed.

"How is that a way to conduct foreign affairs and diplomacy?"

Mr Andrews said that the word apology did not reflect accurately the situation. He had a duty to clarify and to quickly calm any problem.

"And we can all drop the ball from time to time, as the deputy will appreciate."

Mr Spring replied: "As the Minister has strayed into sporting parlance I can only assume that there were no cameras when he played for Connacht."