Referendum vote has 'moral' implications - Bishops

Catholic bishops have said the forthcoming citizenship referendum is one with "serious moral and social, as well as legal, implications…

Catholic bishops have said the forthcoming citizenship referendum is one with "serious moral and social, as well as legal, implications" and that it is important voters are fully informed of these and that they are aware of the consequences.

In a statement issued this evening, the bishops do not advocate either a 'Yes' or a 'No' vote. However, they are implicitly critical of the level of public consultation in advance of the June 11th referendum.

The Standing Committee of the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference said that above all, it is important to ensure that all people who find themselves in Ireland, children and adults, whether citizens or not, enjoy full protection of their fundamental human rights, without discrimination on the basis of race or origin.

"As human beings, they possess such rights independently of citizenship. This must always be the clear hallmark of the future constitutional and legal framework. Any vote cast with the intention of weakening or denying this principle would be morally wrong," a statement said.


The bishops said they encouraged everyone to exercise his or her democratic right and duty through taking part "actively and responsibly" in the debate and through voting.

They said they recognised the referendum had been called within the legal parameters set down by the Constitution, but that it could be argued "with some justification" that wider public consultation might have "led to the possibility of a broader consensus on the way to address the serious issues that are at the heart of the debate".

The statement continued: "Many feel that in the current vibrant Irish economic climate, we should be offering greater hospitality and security to people of different national and racial backgrounds who come to our shores.

"Irish people have historically benefited much from the hospitality of other nations. Such people believe that leaving the current constitutional position unchanged would be an important sign in this direction. Others, while still desiring a more welcoming approach to immigrants, feel that the better path is to prudently regulate immigration and citizenship through appropriate norms and legislation, in accordance with international law.

"They are especially concerned to avoid exploitation or trafficking of persons. The referendum renders even more urgent the provision of a comprehensive, fair and transparent immigration policy.

This is an important challenge to Ireland today. Without such a policy there is a real risk that the rights of refugees and the fundamentally important legal institution of asylum will be undermined."

If the amendment to Article 9 of the Constitution is passed, the Government will enact legislation which will remove the automatic right to citizenship of all children born in Ireland.