Report should not be extended - bishop

INQUIRY: AUXILIARY BISHOP of Dublin Eamonn Walsh has said he does not believe the Dublin diocesan inquiry into child abuse should…

INQUIRY:AUXILIARY BISHOP of Dublin Eamonn Walsh has said he does not believe the Dublin diocesan inquiry into child abuse should be extended to the rest of the State.

Bishop Walsh said it was his view the Dublin inquiry was a sample, showing the same pattern as in the previous Ferns inquiry.

“I would much prefer that we implemented the recommendations and put in place civil and legislative structures to live up to what we have found. But we could spend the next 15 years going around the country when we’d be far better using our time, energy and money in consolidating our church-protection services, our school-protection services and all of the legislation that will enable it.” Speaking on RTÉ Radio’s Morning Ireland, Bishop Walsh said the culture of “don’t ask, don’t tell” and fear of scandal having primacy over the rights of children within the Catholic Church was “dead and gone”. He said one of the biggest faults of the church structure was there was not proper communication. “Everybody was in their own little cocoon, and if they had some information . . . they kept it to themselves.”

He denied senior clergy involved in the abuse cover-up would be left in place. “Anyone . . . found not up to the job of protecting children, then that person should go, and it’s up to each individual to examine their conscience and reflect very clearly, and discuss it with their own people. Because each diocese is a unit, and if the people feel their bishop or senior person is not able to protect children properly, then that person should not be in the job.”


He said it was “most regrettable” the Vatican did not respond to requests for documentation relating to the handling to child abuse allegations. “I wouldn’t attempt to defend it, it’s from another era. It’s from the diplomatic corps era.” When it was pointed out this lack of response took place in 2006 and 2007, the bishop said the Vatican “mentality” had changed.

Jason Michael

Jason Michael

Jason Michael is a journalist with The Irish Times