Samples from Wicklow sheep sent for testing

Blood samples from two lambs in an abattoir in Co Wicklow are to be sent for testing for the foot and mouth virus.

Blood samples from two lambs in an abattoir in Co Wicklow are to be sent for testing for the foot and mouth virus.

The samples were taken from the animals by veterinary inspectors at the local authority Abattoir in Bray after 5 p.m.

A spokesman for the Department of Agriculture said the animals are not considered to be in the high risk category.

Preliminary results are expected back from the Pirbright animal health laboratory on Thursday morning at the earliest.


The spokesman also confirmed that 417 farms throughout the State remain under restriction and 417 farms within Co Louth are also restricted.

A Co Tipperary farm was sealed off earlier today after suspicions relating to animals imported from Northern Ireland.

A Department spokesman said the measures taken were precautionary and routine like hundreds of cases elsewhere in the State.

"We don't have any disease concerns", he said.

It is believed the animals may have been imported - in mid-February before the current foot-and-mouth crisis - to the farm near Thurles.

The spokesman added the restrictions were put in place yesterday evening and officials are assessing the situation before any decision on a possible slaughter is taken.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times