Signing-on numbers rise in November

The number of people signing on the live register increased by 5,286 last month to 147,121, according to data released today …

The number of people signing on the live register increased by 5,286 last month to 147,121, according to data released today by the Central Statistics Office (CSO).

However, after adjusting for seasonal factors, the live register showed an overall rise of 7,500 in the month. The seasonally adjusted total rose from 146,600 in October to 154,100 in November.

The standardised unemployment rate in November was 4.1 per cent. This compares with 3.7 per cent in April 2001, based on the Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS).

Ordinary working people throughout the country are now paying the price for the Government's complete mismanagement of the economy
Tommy Broughan of the Labour Party

The November increase comprised 4,209 males and 1,077 females. The annual increase of 10,159 was made up of 8,795 males and 1,364 females.


The CSO figures indicate that the southeast region was hardest hit, although the increase was reflected was reflected across all regions.

The live register does not measure unemployment as it includes part-time workers, seasonal and casual workers entitled to unemployment assistance or benefit.

According to the QNHS, unemployment stood at 65,400 in May 2001.

Opposition parties were highly critical of the figures. "Ordinary working people throughout the country are now paying the price for the Government's complete mismanagement of the economy," Labour Party spokesperson on Social and Community Affairs, Mr Tommy Broughan, said.

"The huge jump in the live register figures which has resulted in 5,286 people signing on in the run up to Christmas is a damning indictment of this Government," he added.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times