Two questioned over attempted robberies

Gardaí are questioning two men following two attempted robberies in Dublin this morning.

Gardaí are questioning two men following two attempted robberies in Dublin this morning.

Two males brandishing a firearm and what appeared to be a knife or a screwdriver targeted two premises on the Navan Road and Mulhuddart between 5am and 6.30am.

They demanded cash from staff, but were unsuccessful. Two men  in their 20s were arrested a short time after the second attempted robbery and are currently detained at Blanchardstown Garda Station under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act.

They can be questioned for up to 12 hours.


Garda wish to speak to the occupants of  a blue Renault Clio who may have been targetted by the men.

"The car appears to have driven away safely. We are appealing for the occupants of that car to come forward or anyone who may be of assistance in our investigations," a garda spokesman said.