A&E treatment, Danish style

Madam, - Fair play to the Danes: they seem to have sorted out Simon Ball's anaphylactic shock quite superbly (January 15th)

Madam, - Fair play to the Danes: they seem to have sorted out Simon Ball's anaphylactic shock quite superbly (January 15th). Having just finished seven nights on duty in one of our city emergency departments, I have some slight insight into the treatment Mr Ball would have received had he ingested those infernal nuts here in Dublin.

Oxygen, intravenous treatment within minutes of arrival, and constant monitoring by our team? Yes, definitely. Danish ham and a hug? Maybe! Enough beds to let us get on with providing optimum care? Unfortunately not. However, we have even more lovely nurses than has Fredriksberg to wake you up in the morning (those Scandinavians are over-rated). - Yours, etc,


Windmill Lane Apartments,


Dublin 2.