A strategy for the Irish language

Sir, – Conchúr Ó Giollagáin and Brian Ó Curnáin foresee the imminent demise of the Gaeltacht, with the consequent death of Irish as a community language ("The Gaeltacht must be broken and remade to save Irish", Opinion & Analysis, April 28th).

To address this crisis they propose four new social structures: Irish linguistic zones (Tearmann na nGael), a Community Trust for Gaels (Iontaobhas na nGael), an Assembly for Gaels (Dáil na nGael) and an Academy for Gaels (Acadamh na nGael).

As worthy as these aims are, the more pressing issues here, in the heart of the largest Gaeltacht, are a decent road to Dublin and fast broadband.

Deprivation and depopulation and are the surest ways to kill the language. – Yours, etc,



Gaoth Dobhair,

Co Dhún na nGall.