Academic exercise

Sir, – Thomas Naghten (Letter, February 13th) observes that many letters to The Irish Times are written by professors of various types. I have noticed that professors feature prominently on radio discussion programmes. One recent RTÉ morning discussion programme featured no less than four professors in succession.

The title of professor has become devalued in recent years with the proliferation of assistant professors, associate professors, clinical professors, research professors and emeritus professors. Maybe we should review the entire structure of staffing in university departments, and appoint only one senior professor in each department. – Yours, etc,




Co Waterford.

Sir, – The multiplicity of professors in recent years, and their prominence in the media, reminds me of the parable of the loaves and fishes.

There are so many professors about these days that the Good Lord, even with his miracles, would have difficulty in feeding them all. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 4.

Sir, – As an avid Irish Times letter reader, I sometimes find myself paying more attention to letters from professors than from ordinary mortals.

I have also noticed that I tend to pay more attention to letters from Dublin 4 than from Castletownbere or Carrick-on-Shannon.

I’m a little embarrassed to make these admissions. I hadn’t realised I was such an intellectual snob and I am trying hard to reform myself. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 3.