Another banking scandal

Sir, – I see that we are back in the Alice in Wonderland world of the Central Bank of Ireland and its view of “regulatory breaches”. Some of these “breaches” seem to me to indicate the possibility, and I put it no stronger than that, of illegality. Surely the Garda Síochána should be given the opportunity to check. Just in case.

In our numerous banking scandals, people have been treated abominably by our banks. Some have even lost their homes. They have been grossly, deliberately and systematically overcharged.

Surely our Minister for Finance, or perhaps some of the Government’s vast army of advisers, could come up with a robust process for penalising the real transgressors. Unless and until we do that the emergence of banking scandals will continue. The lads and lassies who run our banks are probably working on the next scandal right now. And why not? They have nothing to fear from a toothless Irish regulatory process. Yours, etc,




Co Waterford.

Sir, – In "KBC Ireland fined €18.3 million for 'unconscionable' tracker scandal role" (Business, September 24th), you cover the fine of €18.3 million levied against KBC Bank for its strategy to move borrowers off cheaper loans and persistently resist as regulators pushed it to admit failings.

Given that borrowers lost 66 properties, including 11 family homes, is there any good reason why the people who pursued such a policy are not charged in the courts for this disgraceful behaviour leading to so much human misery? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 2.

Sir, – Laws are for citizens. Regulations are for banks. And not a peep from the Irish Banking Culture Board. – Yours, etc,

