Brexit – the countdown continues

Sir, – If the UK has not left the European Union by the end of October, it is inevitable that there will be a general election. It is equally certain that the election will be billed as a referendum on Brexit. So why not have an actual second Brexit referendum and be done with it?

The argument that permitting a further vote would be undemocratic suffers from its inherent absurdity. Three years down the line, with a far clearer view of what Brexit actually entails, with many new voters and having witnessed the British parliament’s inability to conclude matters, it holds no water whatever. In fairness, those opposing a new vote do so not in defence of democracy but out of a rational fear that the bloody electorate might change their minds.

Another referendum would certainly appear a lot more democratic than a general election that can be won with a third of the votes cast.

The UK public could be given a choice between the deal on the table, a no deal exit and remaining in the EU. This could be done either by a two-stage referendum – where the first vote is whether or not to leave with the deal – or proportional representation, with the three options on the ballot paper.


There is nothing to prevent those who still want to leave with a fantasy deal voting for this in their parallel universe. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 7.

Sir, – Given the current £100 million advertising campaign in the UK advising businesses to be ready for Brexit, many businesses now are aware of how Brexit will impact their business and future pricing. Is it not now time that the same information was passed on to the consumer?

A simple colour-coded pricing sticker could be affixed to all consumer goods. Blue for their current price (as members of the EU), white for the price that they would pay with an “exit deal”, and red for the “no-deal” price. In this way clarity around the real costs could be given to the consumer who is ultimately impacted by each plan (allowing them to help focus their politicians’ minds) and giving them the patriotic red, white and blue Brexit that Theresa May called for. – Yours, etc,



Co Meath.

Sir, – In the midst of the Brexit mayhem, it is important for people to remember that Northern Ireland voted by a substantial majority to remain in the EU.

The Europeans and the Americans seem to understand that and to appreciate the complexities on the island of Ireland, including the importance of the Belfast Agreement .

When will the DUP , which is supposed to represent people here in Northern Ireland, ever come to the same understanding? – Yours, etc,



Sir, – Reading a description of a well-known British individual on Wikipedia, he is described as being an anti-hero, obtuse, lazy, inquisitive, deceitful, slothful, self-important and conceited.

In his own mind, he is an exemplary character: handsome, talented and aristocratic, and he is dismissive of most of those around him. He has a few redeeming features, such as his cheery optimism, his comically transparent untruthfulness and his inept attempts to conceal his antics from his colleagues, all of which combine to make a character who succeeds in being highly entertaining but who doesn’t attract the reader’s lasting sympathy.

I refer, of course, to the Wikipedia description of Billy Bunter of Greyfriars school. – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.